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Our desire at REALife Relationship & Love Training is to see teens and young adults have the healthiest and most fulfilling relationships possible. We believe that making good sexual decisions plays a big part in achieving that goal and that a combination of influences and choices start in the pre-teen years! That is why we also want to be a support to parents/guardians, mentors, youth leaders, and educators of all kinds in their efforts to promote sexual integrity in the lives of the students in their world. Our hope is that we can provide some of the support and influences essential to help your students attain the best relationships possible, both now and in the future!

recent posts

Are Your Relationship Needs Being Met?
September 27, 2024
What do you really want and need from a relationship?  Are you getting it? Or have you had your heart broken?  Maybe even felt usedRead More

To Date or Not to Date...
March 20, 2024
The question is…. are you ready to date and be in a relationship? Don’t think of it as having to be a specific age likeRead More

The Month of Love
January 9, 2024
With Valentine's Day around the corner, February is often known as the month of love.  Most teens desire to be in a healthy relationship someday,Read More

How to Survive a Summer Romance
June 14, 2023
Love is in the air... seashells in your hair, time to enjoy the summer without a care! Ok, so I'm not really a poet. ButRead More

Relationship Do's & Don'ts
March 15, 2023
DO: look for someone you feel comfortable with, this means: You can be yourself around him/her. You can have different opinions on something, and knowRead More

Holiday Teen Dating Advice
December 14, 2022
First and foremost, be yourself. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Be authentic to who you are, so that the other person gets to knowRead More

Navigating Friendships
June 27, 2022
  Friendship is one of the most consistent and important elements of our relational world. We cannot thrive without them, yet none of us everRead More

Safety & Prevention: Sexual Violence
June 1, 2022
Sexual violence is any sexual activity when consent is not freely given. Sexual violence can impact anyone of any age, any gender, any sexual orientation.Read More

Healthy Friendships, Relationships and Boundaries
March 2, 2022
“Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me. A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leadingRead More

Done with Crappy Relationships
October 18, 2021
Do you ever wonder if you're in a toxic relationship?  Maybe you’ve been there, or know someone who has. Maybe you find yourself in a datingRead More

Dating Differently This School Year
September 15, 2021
HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS ARE SOMETHING YOU MAKE, NOT SOMETHING YOU FIND When it comes to dating and relationships, you can’t just keep doing the same thingsRead More

Dating App Safety
April 14, 2021
There’s an app for just about everything. We order our Sonic limeade with an app, then swing by to pick it up. We keep trackRead More

Are You Sure You're in Love?
April 1, 2021
When you finally meet someone who you really connect with and just 'gets you,' you want to spend as much time as possible with themRead More

Do You Have a Healthy Relationship - with Social Media?
January 29, 2021
Social media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so since teens and young adults are known to spend several hours a day on it, it’s bestRead More

Anxious? Depressed? You're Not Alone
December 16, 2020
If you’re feeling anxiety, depression or loneliness during this whole pandemic thing… you’re not alone! Approximately 70% of young people reported feeling this very wayRead More

A Few Things to Know if You're Sexually Active
November 5, 2020
If you’re sexually active, here are a few questions you may want to ask yourself? Is it really a big deal to get tested forRead More

What Makes You Feel Loved?
September 29, 2020
Have you ever noticed that some people really love receiving gifts from people? But maybe you're someone that would rather just spend good quality timeRead More

Real Vs Counterfeit Relationships
August 25, 2020
Do you know how a bank trains their tellers to tell if money is counterfeit or not? You would think it's by holding it upRead More

Friendship Matters
August 11, 2020
With school starting in just a few short weeks, I was starting to think about the friends that we have.  Friendships are so important atRead More

STD's and The Wheel of Misfortune
July 15, 2020
Today we're talking about everyone's favorite topic, Sexually Transmitted Infections! A real reality for anyone who's sexually active. Do you know your disease exposure rate?Read More

Attention Teen Girls, Join our Summer Book Club!
July 1, 2020
Our Student Director, Lauren, is calling all teen girls for a virtual Book Club this summer featuring "7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You," which givesRead More

Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Relationships
June 9, 2020
It’s week 2 of our video release and this time we have our REALife Director, Lauren, talking about how to tell if your relationship isRead More

June 4, 2020
As life looks a little different for life and schools right now, so does our REALife Program that does presentations for teens about healthy datingRead More

Second week of Social Distancing… aka, Quarantined and Going Out of My Mind!
March 24, 2020
If you're feeling a little cooped up and need another outlet for all of that pent up energy, we got you covered!  Who doesn't LOVERead More

5 Ideas to Navigate Life Under Quarantine
March 19, 2020
In an effort to flatten the curve as the coronavirus takes hold in the US, social distancing is in full effect. And although staying insideRead More

How to Understand Your Self-Worth
February 18, 2020
We live in a comparison culture. Advertising, traditional media, and social media seem to be built on comparisons. And we’re often comparing all the uglyRead More

Relationship Reset for 2020
January 20, 2020
With the new year upon us, it’s so important to do a relationship check and make sure that open and honest communication is a fundamentalRead More

To Sext or Not to Sext
October 18, 2019
If you haven’t done it, you probably know a friend or someone else who has...sexting. And while you might think it’s harmless, that photo canRead More

How Healthy Is My Relationship?
August 15, 2019
A loving and healthy relationship is something everyone deserves, but creating one takes hard work from both partners. Every characteristic of your relationship, such asRead More

12 Sex Facts... or Myths?
July 31, 2019
Sex has been around for a little while, so you’d think we would have it figured out by now. But there’s a lot of informationRead More

Dating App Safety
July 1, 2019
There’s an app for just about everything. We order our Frappuccinos with an app, then swing by Starbucks to pick it up.  Want to depositRead More

Am I Ready to Date?
May 31, 2019
There may be several times during your life when you ask yourself this question – Am I ready to date? Whether you’re a teenager andRead More

Can You Get an STD from Oral Sex? Is it Really Considered Sex?
April 8, 2019
Can I get a sexually transmitted infection from oral sex?  Would I still be considered a virgin if I had oral sex, but stopped there?Read More

Are New Year's Resolutions Worth it?
January 3, 2019
Everyone is talking about it this time of year, time to set some resolutions and push the reset button! But is this just a listRead More

Recipe for a Healthy Relationship
August 8, 2018
A cake never turns out too good when you're just 'winging' it and throwing in a pinch of this and a tad of that, youRead More

Will I Lose Him if I Don't Want to Have Sex?
June 14, 2018
On the very first date I had with the man who would become my husband, over glasses of iced coffee on a sunny September afternoon,Read More

Five Creative & (almost!) Free Date Ideas
May 15, 2018
The art of the first date is a fragile endeavor, and few people embark upon it with success. First impressions matter, and there are aRead More

Slow Down...
April 2, 2018
You know how it is… when you first meet someone and really connect and you want to spend every waking moment with them. You startRead More

How to Speak Up in Your Relationship Without Having a Fight
January 26, 2018
The dreaded three words “can we talk,” can immediately stir up defenses. Or maybe those words live on the tip of your tongue, but you just don’tRead More

When You Just Know...
December 27, 2017
When you just know it’s time to breakup, you start to rationalize a lot of different things in your head. I thought these traits belowRead More

So What's the Big Deal About STIs Anyway?
October 30, 2017
Good question! For most teens, STDs are like cigarettes. You learn in school and in television ads that smoking can cause lung cancer. But thatRead More

The Hardest Part About Dating...
September 14, 2017
One of the hardest parts of dating!? Breaking up… unfortunately it's an inevitable part of dating that no one enjoys, whether you’re the dumper orRead More

4 Things You Must Have When Dating
June 9, 2017
So, dating these days is pretty much all over the place. Anything and everything goes and sometimes nothing goes. But I am going to stronglyRead More

The 3 Month Rule in Dating
April 20, 2017
   Waiting is hard… I get it!  When I go around to different schools and talk about healthy dating and relationships and the important characterRead More

Recognizing an Unhealthy Relationship
October 28, 2016
My best friend from high school was in a relationship with a fun and eccentric guy. I loved hanging out with them because I wasRead More

15 Challenges to Make This, “YOUR BEST SUMMER EVER!!”
June 9, 2016
Spend more time out of your bed then in your bed. Sleep outside and invite some friends along to your camp-out and tell them s’mores andRead More

Uncomplicate Dating
April 6, 2016
  Dating is Unnecessarily Complicated                                        Read More

March 22, 2016
3 Tips to Bring Dating Back Shocked and bewildered. That’s how I felt during my freshmen year of college as I watched my peers foregoRead More

Moving Forward in the New Year!
January 5, 2016
With the start of another new year… you know what comes along with that, NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!!  It’s time to clean house, and maybe thatRead More

I Just Don't Know What to Do!
July 23, 2015
  Are you feeling pressured or confused about how to make WISE, intentional decisions??  It’s best to know how you’ll handle a high stakes decisionRead More

June 23, 2015
Think you're in-the-know about sex and can figure out fact from fiction? Put your knowledge to the test because we're about to separate fact fromRead More

Hang Ups and Hook Ups
March 3, 2015
Text based relationships are all too familiar these days and can lack depth and be superficial, leaving many young people wondering if this is allRead More

Recognizing Your True Potential
October 15, 2014
We are all unique individuals, each with our own personality.  We all have our individual quirks, talents, goals and dreams! It’s important to take theRead More

Let’s Have a Conversation…
September 2, 2014
Did you know that you can communicate with others without even saying a word?  Think about your body language for a moment, are you confidentRead More


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